Thursday, May 31, 2007


YES! We got our appointment to fingerprint at USCIS! This part of the process has been the most difficult to me. I wasn't sure if I did it right to begin with. And when I tried to call the USCIS in St. Louis, I could not get a human! When I finally did get to speak to someone, he had no idea what I was talking about. Never even heard of a I-700H form! I finally figured out to just mail everything in. Not an easy thing for me to pay that lump of money to people who HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! But I did. Last week, we got a letter from them and I was so excited! I ripped it open hoping to find my appt time. Nope. What I found was a receipt for the money I sent them. Thank you very much. No appt. No letter. Just a receipt. I wondered if I just sent them a nice donation to help with the federal deficit. Who knows? Maybe I just endorsed one of the many presidential candidates. I wonder which one it was? But then, we got the letter!! Our appt is Monday @ 9:00am!!!!! YES! YES! YES! I am a structure girl. I like to know the time schedule. And this part of the process has none. Guess it is just one of those faith things that God has dealt with me about for the last, ummmm, 35 years. But I know that I know that I know that we will get fingerprinted at just the right moment, so that we will get our I-700H at just the right time, to get our dossier finished at just the right minute, to become DTC in just the right batch, to be logged in on just the right day, to be matched with just the right sweet baby that God has created to become our daughter, Sydney. I know.


Beckyb said...

Do I ever hear you loud and clear - we were in much the same boat - but yes, it does happen!!! Congrats!!! Now onto the big stuff!

Steffie B. said...

Amen.....that is exactly the right attitude to have! ;)

Kristy said...

Just dropping by -
Cool how God works everything out, huh?
Blessings to you on your journey ~
In it for His glory, Kristy in Oregon